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Dynasty XXVII
Khonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1497
A1 seated man
flesh red, hair and beard black, eye white and black, kilt white with black linesKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1532
A2 man with hand to mouth
flesh red, hair black, eye black and white, kilt white with black outlinesKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1555
A14C man striking with stick?
flesh red, hair black, eye black, kilt white with black outline, stick black or blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1481
A40 seated god (curved beard and straight wig)
face red, eye black and white, hair and beard black, green robe with stripes for collarKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1567
A46* seated king with pschent and flagellum
face, hand, red crown, uraeus red, white crown white or yellow, beard and details black, robe green with white collar, flagellum greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1490
A52* noble squatting with lotus flower
face, feet and hand red, hair and beard black, eye black and white, robe green, lotus flower blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1518
A53 mummy upright
to be rephotographedKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1533
A255 cube statue of man
cube white (or yellow?), face red with black and white eye, hair and beard blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1501
D2 face
face pinkish-yellow, features, hair and beard blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1469
D4 eye
outline blue, iris red, eyeball whiteKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1593
D6 same as D5 (later)
eye surround blue, fill white, pupil red, lashes green with blue linesKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1540
D19 nose, eye and cheek
face yellow, features and outline black or blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1590
D19 nose, eye and cheek
red (pale) with black eyeball and detailsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1512
D21 mouth
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1519
D28 arms extended so as to embrace?
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1550
D35 arms in gesture of negation
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1493
D36 forearm
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1531
D37 forearm with hand holding X8
arm and hand red, cake black or blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1479
D40 forearm with hand holding stick (replaces A24)
arm red, stick greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1606
D45* two hands and forearms holding nehbet wand
arms and hands red, wand greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1486
D46 hand
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1536
D53 phallus with liquid issuing from it
phallus red, liquid blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1546
D54 legs walking
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1547
D55 legs walking backwards
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1596
D56 leg
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1542
D58 foot
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1585
D60 combination of D58 with a vase from which water flows
foot red, vase red, liquid greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1608
D119 two eyes (L & R) with eyebrows
blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1591
E23 recumbent lion
yellow with black outlines and detailsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1511
E34 desert hare
yellow with black details on ears, face and body and red shading on rump, ear and forepartsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1577
F1 head of ox (replaces E1 in offering formula)
head red, eye blue and white, horns blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1599
F10 head and neck of long-necked animal (XVIII dyn.)
head and horns blue outline and details, windpipe redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1494
F31 three foxes' skins tied together
skins green, knot redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1598
F32 animal's belly showing teats and tail
red with blue teatsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1584
F35 heart and windpipe
heart red, windpipe red with green cross-barsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1564
F36 lungs and windpipe
lungs white or yellow with blue horizontal lines, windpipe redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1611
F39 backbone with spinal cord issuing from it
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1535
F40 portion of backbone with spinal cord issuing from both ends
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1549
F46 intestine
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1610
F51 piece of flesh
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1525
G1 Egyptian vulture
face green, beak blue, wing blue, tail green, legs and feet red with blue clawsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1522
G17 owl
breast yellow with red markings, face yellow with blue details, wings blue, legs redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1524
G20 combination of G17 and D36 (XVIII dyn.)
owl yellow, blue and red as G 17, arm red as D 36Khonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1517
G25 crested ibis
head green, beak red, crest blue, breast yellow with red spots, wing blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1506
G36 swallow or martin (swallow tail)
head and legs red, body and wing blue, tail greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1592
G38 white-fronted goose
head and neck and feet red, bill blue, breast blue, wing striped blue and wihite, shoulder yellowKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1491
G39 pintail duck
head and legs red, breast blue, wing white with red markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1573
G41 pintail duck alighting
head and legs red, body blue, wings greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1538
G42 fatted duck or widgeon?
head red, beak blue, wing blue, tail green, breast yellow with blue spots, feet red, claws blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1504
G43 quail chick
yellow with black details, green spots on breast, legs redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1576
H1 head of pintail duck G39
head red, beak and neck blue, eye blue and whiteKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1507
H6 feather
green with blue stem and top curlKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1526
I3 crocodile
green (slightly paler on belly), blue details and spines on back and tailKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1478
I9 horned viper
yellow with black collar, horns and dots on bodyKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1485
I10 cobra in repose
yellow with red and black spotsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1586
L1 dung beetle
blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1589
M2 herb
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1496
M17 flowering reed
leaf green, stem blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1603
M18 combination of reed M17 and walking legs D54
stem blue, reed green, legs (both) redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1588
M20 reeds growing side by side
reeds green with blue stems, earth redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1475
M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1602
M29 pod from some sweet-smelling tree
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1571
M34 bearded ear of emmer
blue/blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1489
N1 sky
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1528
N5 sun
red (no outer ring)Khonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1556
N14 star
white or yellow, black outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1607
N16 flat alluvial land with grains of sand N33 beneath it
black earth and sand grainsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1514
N17 land - alternative form of N16
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1543
N27 sun rising over mountain
hills yellow with red spots, earth green, sun redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 2315
N29 sandy hill slope
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1552
N29 sandy hill slope
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1473
N35 ripple of water
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1474
N35 ripple of water
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1594
N39 garden pool full of water
outline blue, fill blue dotsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1523
N41* well with water ???
recipient red outline and red inner horizontal lines, three green appendages on topKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1557
O1 house
blackKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1575
O3 combination of house O1, oar P8 and vessels X3 and W22
house blue, oar red, beer-jug red, loaf yellow with blue markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1565
O6 rectangular enclosure seen in plan
enclosure green, corner redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1537
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1559
O31 door
yellow with blue/black outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1510
O34 bolt
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1553
O39 stone slab or brick
white with blue/black outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1562
O49 village with crossroads
outer ring green, inner triangles blue, centre yellow or whiteKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1604
O157* divine emblem in booth (tent)
booth red, divine emblem yellowKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1587
P1 boat on water
hull yellow, cabin green, rudder-oar red, water blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1600
P5 sail
mast red, crossbars green, sail blue nettingKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1484
P8 oar (also often written horizontally)
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1470
Q1 seat
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1488
Q3 stool of reed matting
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1595
R4 loaf X2 on a reed mat
mat blue, loaf greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1581
R7 bowl for incense with smoke rising from it
blue outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1471
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
yellowKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1545
R14 abbreviation of falcon on standard R13
semicircle blue, feather green, hanging cloth redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1544
R15 spear decked out as standard
outline and details blue, appendages redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1558
S20 cylinder seal attached to bead necklace (seen from front)
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1548
S24 girdle knot
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1579
S27* as S 27 with cloth tie-bag in centre
cloth red, linen bag blue outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1495
S29 folded cloth
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1487
S34 tie or strap, sandal strap, symbol of life
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1612
S38 crook
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1554
S42 sceptre of authority (various forms)
white or yellow, traces of redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1534
S43 walking-stick
yellow with black outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1572
T14 throw-stick, or club as a foreign weapon of warfare
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1605
T19 harpoon head of bone
yellow with blue/black outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1580
T22 two-barbed arrow-head
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1529
U2 sickle (alternative form of U1)
yellow with blue or black outline and teeth on bladeKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1582
U7 hoe (alternative form of U6)
hoe red, lashing greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1570
U9 corn-measure with grain pouring out
barrel yellow with red outline, grain greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1566
U15 sledge
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1541
U24* drill with square weight
centre red rectangle with horizontal bars, appendages above and below blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1569
U32 pestle and mortar
pestle red, mortar greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1480
U33 pestle
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1551
V7 loop of cord with the ends downward
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1609
V9 cartouche in original round form
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1515
V13 rope for tethering animals
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1516
V13 rope for tethering animals
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1601
V28 wick of twisted flax
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1513
V28 wick of twisted flax
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1503
V30 wickerwork basket
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1521
V31 wickerwork basket with handle
green basket and handleKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1597
V33 bag of linen
yellow, blue outlineKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1509
V36 receptacle of some kind
green with black binding and knotKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1583
W1 sealed oil-jar
jar green, seal red, tie greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1574
W4 combination of basin W3 and booth O22
booth red, basin yellow with blue markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1613
W17 water-pots in a rack (XII-XVIII dyn.)
pots yellow with black markings and outline, tie redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1563
W23 jar with handles
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1500
W24 bowl
lower half blue, upper half redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1499
W24 bowl
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1476
X1 bread
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1477
X1 bread
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1560
X3 loaf (alternative form of loaf X2)
yellow with blue markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1539
X4 roll of bread
yellow with blue markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1561
X4 roll of bread
yellow with blue markingsKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1520
Y1 papyrus rolled up, tied and sealed (also vertically from XII dyn.)
green with black or blue knot and tieKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1568
Y5 draught-board (game of senet)
board yellow with red outline, game pieces greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1492
Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1502
Z2 three strokes (also written 1 over 2 and vertically)
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1505
Z3 three vertical strokes Z1 written vertically
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1530
Z4 two diagonal strokes
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1527
Z11 two planks crossed and joined
redKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1472
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1482
Aa11 doubtful (sometimes vertical)
blueKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1483
Aa11 doubtful (sometimes vertical)
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1508
Aa14 O.K. form of Aa13
greenKhonsou-Tefnakht E.586 - El Hibeh
OccID = 1498
Aa27 doubtful