The Polychrome Hieroglyph Research Project

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

This page displays a list of all occurrences from a selected Period. Occurrences with no image can still have a full description. Exemplars are indicated by a solid border. Click on the exemplar image to access the details.

Dynasty IV

No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 807
A6 man receiving purification
flesh red, hair black, jar red, water blue
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 808
A20 man leaning on forked stick
flesh and staff yellow, hair black, skirt white (female figure)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 809
A50 man of rank seated on chair
flesh yellow, chair yellow with black markings (female figure)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 810
D1 head in profile
face red, hair, eyes, beard black
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 811
D2 face
face yellow, outline of hair, beard, eyes, nose, mouth black, outline of face and ears red
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 175
D4 eye
outline black, white fill, eyeball brown
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 770
D4 eye
outline black, fill white
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 812
D4 eye
outline black, white fill, eyeball brown
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3444
D4 eye
outline and iris black, eyeball white
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3435
D21 mouth
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 155
D21 mouth
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 739
D21 mouth
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 740
D28 arms extended so as to embrace?
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 156
D36 forearm
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 741
D36 forearm
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3438
D36 forearm
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3445
D36 forearm
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 813
D45 arm with hand holding the nehbet wand
arm red, wand white with red details
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 177
D45* two hands and forearms holding nehbet wand
arm red, wand yellow
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 742
D46 hand
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3419
D46 hand
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3448
D46 hand
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 724
D46 hand
red (faded)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 743
D54 legs walking
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3420
D58 foot
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3447
D58 foot
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 725
D58 foot
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 744
D58 foot
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 176
D145 arm with curved line of water (?) above hand
arm red, water grey
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3446
D145 arm with curved line of water (?) above hand
arm yellow, water faded
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 757
E15 recumbent dog
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 771
E21 animal of Seth, recumbent
yellow (buff coloured)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 814
E21 animal of Seth, recumbent
yellow with blue collar and tip of tail
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 178
E165 lion(ess) with axe above, joined by (?)
lioness yellow, axe yellow with blue blade and black lashings, joining object (?) red
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 180
F4 forepart of lion
yellow with red mane
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 758
F12 head and neck of canine animal
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3421
F13 horns of ox
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 772
F22 hind-quarters of lion or leopard
yellow, red outline
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3458
F23 foreleg of ox
red (damaged - maybe variegated spots)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 773
F30 water-skin
yellow, red outline, red markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 181
F32 animal's belly showing teats and tail
black outline, red fill
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 815
F32 animal's belly showing teats and tail
red stripe and outlines, white fill
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3452
F35 heart and windpipe
white with red markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 774
F35 heart and windpipe
yellow, red outline, red markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 759
F46 intestine
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 182
G1 Egyptian vulture
red outline, black wing tips, orange legs and feet
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 755
G1 Egyptian vulture
white, red outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 183
G5 falcon
yellow with black markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 816
G5 falcon
blue wing and tail, white breast, yellow face and feet, black markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 184
G7 falcon of Horus on the standard R12
yellow bird, black markings, red standard
Iunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3442
G7 falcon of Horus on the standard R12
falcon yellow, standard upper red, lower yellow, appendage white
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 817
G16 vulture goddess Nekhbet and cobra goddess Edjo on baskets V30
blue bird on green basket
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 818
G17 owl
white breast, yellow wing, tail and tuft on head, red markings
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3437
G17 owl
face and breast white, feathers yellow, feet red
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 185
G17 owl
white bird, yellow wing, red and black markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 819
G25 crested ibis
green with blue wing, tail and crest
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 820
G26 sacred ibis on the standard R12
black outline, white fill, blue base
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 186
G30 three jabirus
grey head and wings, white breast, black wattle, red bill and feet
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 787
G36 swallow or martin (swallow tail)
white underparts, blue upper, beak, eye and legs red
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 187
G36 swallow or martin (swallow tail)
grey head and wings, white breast, black feet
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 188
G38 white-fronted goose
grey head and wings, white breast, black feet
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 821
G39 pintail duck
blue, black and grey markings, white fill
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3436
G43 quail chick
yellow, other colours lost
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3453
G43 quail chick
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 189
G43 quail chick
yellow, red markings and feet
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 775
G43 quail chick
yellow, red outline
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 190
I7* combination of frog I7 on basket V30
yellow (or green?), red markings, black eye, basket blue(?)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 776
I9 horned viper
yellow, red outline, black markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 777
I10 cobra in repose
yellow, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 822
I13 cobra I12 on the basket V30
snake yellow with red lines, basket green with black lines
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 191
K3 a fish
grey back, white belly, red scales
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3422
M3 branch
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 745
M3 branch
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 823
M8 pool with lotus flowers
black water lines on base, flowers green with red centres and black outlines, stems brown
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 203
M12 leaf, stalk and rhizome of lotus
Nefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 803
M12 leaf, stalk and rhizome of lotus
stem and base red, leaf yellow
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 192
M13 stem of papyrus
green stem and flower, red base of stem and flower
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 824
M15 clump of papyrus with buds bent down
stems green with black markings, flowers yellow, red ripples on base
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 722
M17 flowering reed
green, black outline
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 737
M17 flowering reed
green, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3423
M17 flowering reed
green, markings red(?)
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 738
M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
green, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 174
M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 723
M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
green, black outline
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 193
M28 combination of sedge M26 and the sign for ten V20
green stem, flowers red and black, "10" red
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 194
M30 a sweet-tasting root?
green pod with red top and bottom
Iunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3441
M34 bearded ear of emmer
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3451
M39 basket of fruit or grain
basket red, fruit yellow (or green?)
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 195
M39 basket of fruit or grain
basket red, grains black
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 197
M39 basket of fruit or grain
basket red, grains yellow
Iunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3443
M39 basket of fruit or grain
basket yellow, lines red, fruit faded
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 746
N5 sun
red (solid)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 825
N5 sun
centre red, outer line black
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 161
N11 crescent moon (also written vertically when det.)
outline red, fill white
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 826
N18 sandy tract (also loin-cloth - see Gardiner after S26)
outline red, fill white with red dots
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 760
N18 sandy tract (also loin-cloth - see Gardiner after S26)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 761
N29 sandy hill slope
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 827
N31 road bordered by shrubs
road colourless, shrubs green with black lines
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3424
N35 ripple of water
blue (or black?)
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 729
N35 ripple of water
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 762
N35 ripple of water
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 788
N36 channel filled with water
blue, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 164
N39 garden pool full of water
grey with black lines
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 789
N39 garden pool full of water
blue, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 794
N39 garden pool full of water
green, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 790
N41 well full of water (rippled surface)
blue, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3425
O1 house
blue (or black?)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 763
O1 house
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3426
O4 reed shelter in fields
blue (or black?)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 764
O6 rectangular enclosure seen in plan
black, corner square filled with yellow
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 778
yellow, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 828
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 829
O22 open booth supported by a pole
shrine green with black lines, column red
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 805
O28 column with tenon on top
red with green base
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 726
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 747
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3427
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 779
O31 door
yellow, red outline, red markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 748
O34 bolt
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3440
O34 bolt
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 199
O49 village with crossroads
black rim, grey markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 200
P3 sacred bark (details vary considerably)
boat green, white cabin, water grey with black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 749
P8 oar (also often written horizontally)
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 732
Q3 stool of reed matting
yellow, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 795
Q3 stool of reed matting
green, black outline
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3454
Q3 stool of reed matting
yellow with red lines
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 166
Q3 stool of reed matting
yellow with black lines
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 780
Q6 coffin (form variable)
yellow, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 830
Q6 coffin (form variable)
fill white, details red
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 831
R4 loaf X2 on a reed mat
mat green, lashings yellow, bread upper green, lower yellow
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 201
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
upper pole and flag yellow with red lines, lower pole black and green
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 832
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
lower pole white with green cross-markings, upper and cloth outline black with red horizontal lines
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3450
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
lower pole black binding on yellow, upper pole and flag yellow with red markings
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 833
R11 column indicating a bunch of stalks tied together
column white with red base, upper divisions blue, red, white, green
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 202
R21 conventionalized flower (?) surmounted by horns (?)
yellow with black markings and black horns
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 162
S27 horizontal strip of cloth with two strands of a fringe
outline red, fill white
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3449
S29 folded cloth
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 159
S29 folded cloth
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 727
S29 folded cloth
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 750
S29 folded cloth
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 781
S29 folded cloth
yellow (buff coloured)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 765
S34 tie or strap, sandal strap, symbol of life
black, loop filled with yellow
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 204
T3 mace with pear-shaped head (vertical)
white head, yellow handle, red outline
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 205
T7 axe
yellow, lashings and blade black
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 206
T11 arrow
yellow shaft, red outline, black flights
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 733
T11 arrow
yellow, red outline, flights black
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 791
T20 harpoon (O.K. form)
blue, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 751
T27 bird trap (O.K. form of T26)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 766
T28 butcher's block
black, fill yellow
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 796
U1 sickle
green, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 782
U6 hoe
yellow (buff coloured)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 834
U6 hoe
hoe red, cord yellow
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 835
U21 adze at work on a block of wood
blade brown, handle black on yellow
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 836
U23 chisel (?)
handle green with black markings, blade blue with black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 752
U33 pestle
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 165
U36 club used by fullers in washing
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 167
V4 lasso
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 783
V4 lasso
yellow, red outline
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 734
V6 cord (in early exx. doubled and looped at top left)
yellow, red outline
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3428
V6 cord (in early exx. doubled and looped at top left)
yellow, markings red
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 792
V10 cartouche in secondary oval form
blue, yellow background
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3429
V13 rope for tethering animals
yellow, outline and markings black
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 784
V15 combination of rope for tethering animals V13 and legs walking D54
yellow, red outline
Iunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 736
V16 looped cord serving as hobble for cattle
yellow, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 756
V19 hobble for cattle
white, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 837
V19 hobble for cattle
yellow with red lines, black cross-piece
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 168
V23 whip (O.K. form of V22)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 785
V23 whip (O.K. form of V22)
yellow, red outline
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 721
V28 wick of twisted flax
yellow, red outline
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 735
V28 wick of twisted flax
yellow, red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 797
V28 wick of twisted flax
green, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 169
V28 wick of twisted flax
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 798
V29 swab made from a hank of fibre
green, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 799
V30 wickerwork basket
green, black outline
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 170
V30 wickerwork basket
yellow, lines red
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 786
V30 wickerwork basket
yellow, red outline, black markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 171
V31 wickerwork basket with handle
yellow with black lines
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 800
V31 wickerwork basket with handle
green, black outline
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 163
W2 sealed oil-jar, like W1 but without tied ends
outline red, fill white
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3430
W10 cup (probably also a basket - see A9)
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3431
W12 ring-stand for jars (straight bottom O.K.)
stand red, triangle empty
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 3439
W12 ring-stand for jars (straight bottom O.K.)
red, triangle empty or white?
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 838
W14 tall water-pot
upper blue, lower red
Nefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3457
W16 water-pot W15 in a ring-stand W12
stand red, pot lower red, upper black, water faded
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 207
W18 water-pots in a rack (O.K. form of W17)
sides red, pots red with black tops, rack black, seals white with red outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 839
W18 water-pots in a rack (O.K. form of W17)
jars upper black, lower green, cloth red (check?)
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 804
W21 twin wine-jars
red pots with black tops, yellow lashings with red markings
Iunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 806
W21 twin wine-jars
red pots with blue (or black?) tops, yellow lashings with red markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 208
W21 twin wine-jars
red pots with black tops, yellow lashings with red markings
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 209
W22 beer-jug
red pot with black top
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 840
W22 beer-jug
upper blue, lower red
Nefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3456
W22 beer-jug
lower red, upper black
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 730
W24 bowl
top black (or blue?), base damaged (red?)
No ImageNefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 720
X1 bread
No ImageIunu G4150 - Giza
OccID = 731
X1 bread
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 767
X1 bread
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3432
X1 bread
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 768
X2 loaf
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 160
X2 loaf
purple brown
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 769
X8 conical loaf (?)
Wepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 3433
Y2 papyrus roll (O.K. form of Y1)
roll white, string red, seal black
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 210
Y3 scribe's outfit, consisting of palette, bag for pigments and reed-holder
holder black with yellow top and bottom, pot red, rope yellow with red markings, palette grey, ink pot black and white (top), red and white (below)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 753
Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 793
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
blue, black outline
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 801
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
green, black outline
Nefret-iabet G1225 - Giza
OccID = 3455
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
yellow with red lines
No ImageWepemnefret G1201 - Giza
OccID = 172
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
yellow with red lines
No ImageMeresankh G7530 - Giza
OccID = 754
Aa11 doubtful (sometimes vertical)