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Paroy TT.295 - Khokha - Dynasty XVIII
A40 seated god (curved beard and straight wig)
face red, wig and beard blue, robe white
D21 mouth
red, fill white
D28 arms extended so as to embrace?
D37 forearm with hand holding X8
red, faint traces (white?) of loaf X8
D60 combination of D58 with a vase from which water flows
foot red, vase base red, vase top and water blue(?)
F35 heart and windpipe
white with outline and markings red
G17 owl
face and underparts white, top of head, wings and tail yellow with blue and red markings, feet yellow
G39 pintail duck
head red, beak and breast blue, wing yellow, tail red, feet red and blue
I9 horned viper
belly yellow, back grue, horns red
N5 sun
centre red, outer ring white, outline red
O2* combination of house O1 and heart and windpipe F35
house blue, heart and windpipe white with red markings
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
O34 bolt
P8 oar (also often written horizontally)
R4 loaf X2 on a reed mat
matting green, bands yellow and red, loaf indistinct
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
pole base and flag tip blue, cloth yellow with red markings
S3 red crown of Lower Egypt
S29 folded cloth
red, fill white
S34 tie or strap, sandal strap, symbol of life
blue, fill white
T23 two-barbed arrow-head (XVIII dyn. Alternative form
T28 butcher's block
centre red, top blue, sides white
W3 basin of alabaster as used in purifications
basin white, outline red, centre mark yellow
X1 bread
Y4 scribe's outfit - alternative form of Y3
reed holder and pot blue, reed tip and string red, palette yellow (with red dot?)
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
Aa11 doubtful (sometimes vertical)
Aa15 XVIII dyn. form of Aa13