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Userhat TT.56 yellow background - Sheikh Abd el-Gurna - Dynasty XVIII
A1 seated man
flesh red, kilt white, hair probably faded black
A17 child sitting (on lap) with hand to mouth
A40E seated god with curved beard and straight wig, holding an ankh
face red, wig and ankh blue, robe white
A52 noble squatting with flagellum S45
arms and face red, hair black, robe white, flagellum yellow(?)
B1 seated woman
face yellow,wig blue, robe white
D1 head in profile
face red, eye white, beard (and probably hair) black
D2 face
face yellow, hair (and probably beard) black
D4 eye
eyeball white, iris red, outline faded (black?)
D19 nose, eye and cheek
yellow, eye white
D21 mouth
red, fill white
D28 arms extended so as to embrace?
D35 arms in gesture of negation
D36 forearm
D37 forearm with hand holding X8
arm red, loaf faded (black and white?)
D45 arm with hand holding the nehbet wand
red, wand faded
D52 phallus
D54 legs walking
D58 foot
E15 recumbent dog
F4 forepart of lion
face and forepart yellow, mane blue (or green?)
F12 head and neck of canine animal
green or blue ?
F21 ear of ox (?)
red, outline black
F35 heart and windpipe
white, markings red
G9 falcon of Horus bearing the sun N5 on head
face and underparts white, back faded, tail green with tip red, feet yellow, sun disk red, two ovals faded
G17 owl
face and underparts white, eyes red, wing and feet yellow
G29 jabiru
beak and feet red, back blue, underparts white
G35 cormorant
head, wing, tail and feet red, breast white
G43 quail chick
beak and feet red, back and wing yellow, underparts white
I9 horned viper
M17 flowering reed
stem blue, leaf green
M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
N5 sun
red, outer ring white
N8 sunshine
sun red, outer ring and sun rays white
N14 star
N25 sandy hill country over edge of green cultivation
hill pink with red dots, base green
N29 sandy hill slope
N35 ripple of water
black (faded but traces)
O1 house
wall blue, fill white
O8 combination of enclosure O7 and column O29
walls blue, column red, fill white
O10 combination of enclosure O6 and falcon G5
enclosure blue with fill white, falcon face and underparts white, eye and beak red, wing green, tail blue, legs and feet red
O29 wooden column (also written vertically)
O34 bolt
O42 fence outside primitive shrine
P5 sail
mast and spars red, sail white
P8 oar (also often written horizontally)
Q3 stool of reed matting
matting green, ends and central band yellow and red
R4 loaf X2 on a reed mat
mat green with lashings yellow, loaf faded
R7 bowl for incense with smoke rising from it
R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
base of pole blue, upper pole and flag yellow
S29 folded cloth
red, fill white
T28 butcher's block
outline blue, centre red, fill white
U3 combination of sickle U1 and eye D4
sickle green, eyeball white, iris red, pupil darker red
U7 hoe (alternative form of U6)
hoe and rope red, fill white
V13 rope for tethering animals
green, fill white
V28 wick of twisted flax
V29 swab made from a hank of fibre
V30 wickerwork basket
W9 stone jug with handle
base red, top blue, handle faded
W17 water-pots in a rack (XII-XVIII dyn.)
lower pots red, upper blue, stand red
W22 beer-jug
lower half red, upper half blue
W24 bowl
X1 bread
X8 conical loaf (?)
base and inner triangle blue, sides yellow(?), fill white
Y1 papyrus rolled up, tied and sealed (also vertically from XII dyn.)
papyrus white, lashings red, seal blue(?)
Y3 scribe's outfit, consisting of palette, bag for pigments and reed-holder
holder blue, reed tip red, bowl blue, string red, palette white, ink faded (black?) and red
Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
black (faded but traces)
Z2 three strokes (also written 1 over 2 and vertically)
black (faded but traces)
Z11 two planks crossed and joined
Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
Aa13 two ribs of oryx ??