The Polychrome Hieroglyph Research Project

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

This page displays a list of all occurrences from a selected Monument. Occurrences with no image can still have a full description. Exemplars are indicated by a solid border. Click on the exemplar image to access the details.

Haremheb TT.78 - Sheikh Abd el-Gurna - Dynasty XVIII

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A2 man with hand to mouth
body red, loincloth white
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A8 man performing 'henou' rite
body red, loincloth white
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A9 man steadying basket W10 on head
body red, loincloth white, basket yellow and blue
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A12 soldier with bow and quiver
body red, loincloth white
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A17 child sitting (on lap) with hand to mouth
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A26 man with one arm raised in invocation
body red, loincloth white, hair black
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A42 as A41 but with flagellum S45
face red, clothing white, flail yellow
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A47 shepherd seated and wrapped in a mantle, holding a stick with appendage
face red, clothing white
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B1 seated woman
face pale red? (HR), clothing white, hair black
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D1 head in profile
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D2 face
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D4 eye
lids and pupil black, inner eye white - this example is just sketched in red
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D21 mouth
mouth red, inside white
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D28 arms extended so as to embrace?
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D36 forearm
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D37 forearm with hand holding X8
arm red, offering white
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D40 forearm with hand holding stick (replaces A24)
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D46 hand

D47 hand with curved palm
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D54 legs walking
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D55 legs walking backwards
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D56 leg
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D58 foot
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E1 bull
red, also white with yellow
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E6 horse
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E9 newborn bubalis or hartebeest
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E9 newborn bubalis or hartebeest
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F4 forepart of lion
yellow, mane blue
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F12 head and neck of canine animal
blue on yellow background
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F16 horn
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F20 tongue of ox (?)
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F22 hind-quarters of lion or leopard
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F23 foreleg of ox
red with blue on yellow background
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F24 foreleg of ox (reversed)
red with blue on yellow background
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F29 cow's skin pierced by an arrow
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F31 three foxes' skins tied together
blue on yellow background
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F32 animal's belly showing teats and tail
blue with white fill
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F34 heart
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F35 heart and windpipe
red outline, white fill with red markings
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F35 heart and windpipe
red with green-blue neck
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G1 Egyptian vulture
yellow, blue wing
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G2 two vultures G1
yellow, blue wing
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G5 falcon
green-blue, white underparts, yellow legs; head white and yellow
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G8 falcon of Horus on the sign for gold S12
polychrome on yellow background
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G17 owl
yellow and white, details black, blue, red
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G24 lapwing with wings twisted round one another
red and blue on yellow background
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G27 flamingo
blue (flamingo!)
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G35 cormorant
only red recognizable

G36 swallow or martin (swallow tail)
green-blue with white markings and red bill and feet
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G39 pintail duck
head red, upper blue, lower white, wing yellow
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G40 pintail duck flying
head red, upper parts blue, lower parts wing tips and tail white, back yellow
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G43 quail chick
yellow, beak and legs red, details black
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G47 duckling
blue with head, feet and wings red
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G49 ducks' heads protruding from a pool
yellow, outline red, birds blue and red
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G54 trussed goose or duck
yellow, red outline
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H6 feather
white, red outline
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H8 egg
white black outline
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I1 lizard
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I9 horned viper
yellow, (red outline,) horns red or black
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I10 cobra in repose
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I10 cobra in repose
blue, yellow background
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I12 cobra erect (as on the forehead of the pharaoh
yellow, red outline
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K6 fish scale
white, red outline
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L1 dung beetle
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L2 bee
blue, red outline, black legs
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M2 herb
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M8 pool with lotus flowers
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M15 clump of papyrus with buds bent down
papyrus green-blue, flower-heads yellow and red, base red
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M16 clump of papyrus
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M17 flowering reed
green-blue, stem and ribs blue
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M20 reeds growing side by side
green-blue, stem and ribs blue
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M23 plant regarded as typical of Upper Egypt (M26?)
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M24 combination of plant M23 and mouth D21
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M27 combination of sedge M26 and arm D36
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M36 bundle of flax stems showing the bolls
blue-green, band white and bolls yellow
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M42 flower?
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M43 vine on props
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N5 sun
red, ringed in white
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N16 flat alluvial land with grains of sand N33 beneath it
green-blue with red points
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N19 two sandy tracts (N18 repeated, often smaller)
pale red
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N21 tongue of land
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N25 sandy hill country over edge of green cultivation
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N29 sandy hill slope
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N35 ripple of water
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N35 ripple of water
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N35* three ripples of water
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N36 channel filled with water
inside green-blue, outside blue
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N37 garden pool
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O1 house
blue with white fill (note entrance wall missing on one side)
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O4 reed shelter in fields
blue with white fill
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O7 rectangular enclosure - alternative form of O6 (XVIII dyn.)
blue with white fill
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O10 combination of enclosure O6 and falcon G5
blue with white fill, red rectangle. Horus not recognizable
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O34 bolt
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O42 fence outside primitive shrine
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O49 village with crossroads
ring blue, cross green-blue, sectors black and white
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P8 oar (also often written horizontally)
yellow, outline red
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Q1 seat
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Q3 stool of reed matting
green-blue, bands yellow, outline red
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R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
flag yellow with blue tip, pole yellow with blue stripes

R10* combination of divinity emblem and T28 and feather
feather and block red and white, nTr yellow
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R11 column indicating a bunch of stalks tied together
shaft yellow, bars green-blue and red
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R14 abbreviation of falcon on standard R13
blue and red, feather white
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R19 the was-sceptre S40 with fillet and feather
sceptre green-blue, feather white
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S3 red crown of Lower Egypt
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S29 folded cloth
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S34 tie or strap, sandal strap, symbol of life
blue strap, white fill
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S37 short-handled fan
red and white (not described)
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S38 crook
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S40 sceptre with straight shaft and head of Seth-animal (see too R19)
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T22 two-barbed arrow-head
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T28 butcher's block
outline blue, sides white, centre red
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U1 sickle
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U3 combination of sickle U1 and eye D4
green-blue, eye white, pupil black
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U7 hoe (alternative form of U6)
red hoe, white fill
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U15 sledge
red sledge on yellow background
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U21 adze at work on a block of wood
red and yellow (not described)

U22 chisel
handle red, point blue
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U26 drill being used to bore a hole in a bead (XVIII dyn.)
drill red, handle white
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U36 club used by fullers in washing
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V13 rope for tethering animals
red and blue (not described)

V22 whip (XVIII dyn.)
whip green, ties yellow
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V28 wick of twisted flax
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V29 swab made from a hank of fibre
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V30 wickerwork basket
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V31 wickerwork basket with handle
green-blue with yellow handle
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W3 basin of alabaster as used in purifications
yellow and white with red markings
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W11 ring-stand for jars, also red earthenware pot (round bottom XVIII dyn.)
blue with inside red and white
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W14 tall water-pot
base blue, upper red
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W17 water-pots in a rack (XII-XVIII dyn.)
base blue, upper red
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W19 milk-jug carried in a net
net yellow with white fill, pot green-blue with red bands ? Check !
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W23 jar with handles
base blue, upper red
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X1 bread
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X8 conical loaf (?)
frame blue, inner white
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Y1 papyrus rolled up, tied and sealed (also vertically from XII dyn.)
red and white (not described)
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Y3 scribe's outfit, consisting of palette, bag for pigments and reed-holder
holder and pot blue, pens and strap red, top colour yellow or white, bottom colour red
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Y5 draught-board (game of senet)
board red, pieces blue
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Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
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Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
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Z2 three strokes (also written 1 over 2 and vertically)
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Z2 three strokes (also written 1 over 2 and vertically)
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Z3 three vertical strokes Z1 written vertically
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Z4 two diagonal strokes
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Z11 two planks crossed and joined
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Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?
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Aa11 doubtful (sometimes vertical)

Aa13 two ribs of oryx ??
ribs red, fill white