The Polychrome Hieroglyph Research Project

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

This page displays a list of all occurrences from a selected Monument. Occurrences with no image can still have a full description. Exemplars are indicated by a solid border. Click on the exemplar image to access the details.

Ay KV.23 - Valley of the Kings - Dynasty XVIII

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A40 seated god (curved beard and straight wig)
face red, eyeball white with pupil black or dark blue, wig and beard dark blue, robe white
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D2 face
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D19 nose, eye and cheek
red, features white
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D21 mouth
red, fill white
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F31 three foxes' skins tied together
skins green, knot red, fill white
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F34 heart
red, markings white
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G14 vulture
face and underparts white, breast and legs red, back blue, tail green
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I9 horned viper
body white with details red, back and horns black
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I10 cobra in repose
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M17 flowering reed
stem blue, leaf greeen
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N5 sun
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N14 star
maybe yellow?
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N16 flat alluvial land with grains of sand N33 beneath it
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N25 sandy hill country over edge of green cultivation
hills red, land green
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N35 ripple of water
black (or dark blue?)
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O1 house
walls blue, fill white
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O34 bolt
rope (?) red and white, centre red
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O49 village with crossroads
outer ring blue, cross green, fill white
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P5 sail
mast and yards red, sail white
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Q3 stool of reed matting
matting green, cross bands white
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R8 cloth wound on a pole, emblem of divinity
cloth white with details red, base or pole and tip of flag dark blue
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S29 folded cloth
red, fill white
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S34 tie or strap, sandal strap, symbol of life
ankh blue, fill white

S40 sceptre with straight shaft and head of Seth-animal (see too R19)
sceptre green, fill white
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T23 two-barbed arrow-head (XVIII dyn. Alternative form
shaft and barbs red, centre white with cross-hatching red
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U33 pestle
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W15 water-pot W14 with water pouring from it
upper pot red, lower pot blue, water blue
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W24 bowl
upper black, lower red
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X1 bread
black (or dark blue?)
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X8 conical loaf (?)
triangles blue, fill white
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Y1 papyrus rolled up, tied and sealed (also vertically from XII dyn.)
papyrus white, ties red, seal blue (or black?)
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Z1 stroke (a wooden dowel?)
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Z2 three strokes (also written 1 over 2 and vertically)
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Aa1 kind of sieve? Or maybe a placenta?

Aa5 part of the steering gear of ships ?
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Aa15 XVIII dyn. form of Aa13
red, fill white