The Polychrome Hieroglyph Research Project

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

This page displays a list of all signs in a Gardiner group. Usage abbreviations are "I" (Ideogram), "D" (Determinative) and "P" (Phoneme). Click on a Hieroglyph to list all occurrences of the sign.

Signs in Group G : Birds

G1 Egyptian vulture
Usage: I 'vulture'; P Phonetic value(s): A
G2 two vultures G1
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): AA
G3 combination of G1 and U1
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): mA
G4 long legged buzzard
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): tyw
G5 falcon
Usage: I 'Horus' Phonetic value(s): Hr(w)
G6 falcon with flagellum S45
Usage: D 'falcon' Phonetic value(s):
G7 falcon of Horus on the standard R12
Usage: D 'Horus, god'; I, D 'I,me' Phonetic value(s): .i
G7* falcon in boat
Usage: I 'god Anty' Phonetic value(s):
G7** falcon in boat (variant of G7*)
Usage: I 'god Anty' Phonetic value(s):
G7A falcon with flagellum (G6) on standard (R12)
Usage: D 'Horus, god'; I, D 'I,me' Phonetic value(s): .i
G8 falcon of Horus on the sign for gold S12
Usage: I 'Horus of gold' Phonetic value(s):
G9 falcon of Horus bearing the sun N5 on head
Usage: I 'Ra-Horakhty' Phonetic value(s):
G10 falcon on a special sacred bark
Usage: D 'Sokar, henou bark' Phonetic value(s):
G11 archaic image of a falcon
Usage: D 'divine image' Phonetic value(s):
G12 archaic image of falcon with flagellum S45
Usage: D 'divine image' Phonetic value(s):
G13 archaic image of falcon with double plumes S9
Usage: I 'Horus of Nekhem'; D 'Sopdou' Phonetic value(s):
G14 vulture
Usage: D 'vulture'; P Phonetic value(s): m(w)t
G14* vulture on basket
Usage: I 'Mout' Phonetic value(s): mwt
G15 vultures with flagellum S45 (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I 'Mout' Phonetic value(s): mwt
G16 vulture goddess Nekhbet and cobra goddess Edjo on baskets V30
Usage: I 'Two Ladies' Phonetic value(s): nbty
G17 owl
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): m
G18 two owls
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): mm
G19 combination of G17 and D37 (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): m
G20 combination of G17 and D36 (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): m
G21 guinea-fowl
Usage: I 'neh bird'; P Phonetic value(s): nH
G22 hoopoe
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): Db
G23 lapwing
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): rx(y)t
G24 lapwing with wings twisted round one another
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): rx(y)t
G25 crested ibis
Usage: I 'spirit'; P Phonetic value(s): Ax
G26 sacred ibis on the standard R12
Usage: D 'ibis, Thoth' Phonetic value(s):
G26* sacred ibis (without standard - rare)
Usage: D 'ibis, Thoth' Phonetic value(s):
G27 flamingo
Usage: D 'flamingo'; P Phonetic value(s): dSr
G28 black ibis
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): gm
G29 jabiru
Usage: I 'ba=soul'; P Phonetic value(s): bA
G30 three jabirus
Usage: I 'bas' Phonetic value(s): bAw
G31 heron
Usage: D 'phoenix' Phonetic value(s):
G32 heron on a perch
Usage: I, D 'be inundated' Phonetic value(s):
G33 buff-backed egret?
Usage: D 'sedja bird, tremble' Phonetic value(s):
G34 ostrich
Usage: D 'ostrich' Phonetic value(s):
G35 cormorant
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): ao
G36 swallow or martin (swallow tail)
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): wr
G37 sparrow (rounded tail)
Usage: D 'small, bad, defective' Phonetic value(s):
G38 white-fronted goose
Usage: D 'goose, Geb, birds' Phonetic value(s):
G39 pintail duck
Usage: D 'duck'; P Phonetic value(s): sA
G40 pintail duck flying
Usage: I 'fly'; P Phonetic value(s): pA
G41 pintail duck alighting
Usage: D 'alight, halt'; P Phonetic value(s): xn, omi
G42 fatted duck or widgeon?
Usage: I, D 'fatten, provisions' Phonetic value(s):
G43 quail chick
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): w
G44 two quail chicks G43
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): ww
G45 combination of quail chick G43 and arm D36
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): wa
G46 combination of quail chick G43 and sickle U1
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): mAw
G47 duckling
Usage: I 'nestling'; P Phonetic value(s): TA
G48 three ducklings G47 in nest
Usage: D 'nest' Phonetic value(s):
G49 ducks' heads protruding from a pool
Usage: I, D 'bird-pool, nest' Phonetic value(s):
G50 two plovers (?)
Usage: I 'fuller, washerman' Phonetic value(s):
G51 egret (?) pecking at fish
Usage: D 'catch fish' Phonetic value(s):
G52 goose (?) picking up grain
Usage: D 'feed' Phonetic value(s):
G53 human-headed bird preceded by incense bowl R7 (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I 'ba=soul' Phonetic value(s): bA
G54 trussed goose or duck
Usage: D 'wring neck, offer'; P Phonetic value(s): snD